Fildena 100 is a pharmacological pill that is designed to treat erectile dysfunction. It increases blood flow to the area and helps to maintain an erection. The pill is also known as sildenafil.
Sildenafil citrate is a member of the PDE-5 inhibitor group. PDE-5 hormones control the blood flow in certain parts of the body. These hormones are also used to treat erectile dysfunction.
Fildena is not for children and pregnant women. It is only prescribed for men aged 18 and older with erectile dysfunction. It is also not for anyone who has had a recent heart attack or stroke.
Fildena is also not recommended for patients with recent respiratory failure. It is also not a good choice for patients taking medication for high blood pressure or other heart-related conditions.
Fildena 100 should not be used with alcohol. This combination can reduce its effectiveness and cause undesirable side effects. Alcohol also has the potential to cause drowsiness.
When taking Fildena 100, following your doctor's instructions is essential. It would help to inform your doctor of any other medications you are taking.
You should also avoid taking Fildena with grapefruit juice. This can be very troublesome. In addition, you should refrain from crushing the tablet or breaking it before you drink water. If you do experience a reaction to Fildena, seek medical assistance right away.
Fildena 100 is a safe medication to use when prescribed by your physician. However, being cautious of the pill's potential side effects is essential.
Other Info: Fildena 150