The Liquid Silicone Rubber Is A Highly Viscous Material, Which Is Thick And Hard To Work With
Liquid Silicone Rubber

Liquid Silicone Rubber is used by auto makers as a gloss enhancer and a dampening medium in instruments. Due to its capacity to perform well in challenging circumstances, this rubber is also utilised in power transmission components. Liquid silicone rubber is used extensively by manufacturers who engage in injection moulding. Its high electrical resistance and excellent shelf-life reliability are just a couple of the reasons why it is a highly favoured material for injection moulding. Liquid Silicone Rubber is coveted commodity in the industry because it can operate in temperatures as high as 150 0C. The increasing usage of liquid silicone rubber is a result of the high demand for electronic devices and the expanding automotive industry.

Regardless of the molding method used, working with Liquid Silicone Rubber presents some challenges. One of the key challenges is its sensitivity to moisture and other contaminants. Before processing LSR, it must be dried and stored in a clean, dry environment to prevent contamination and ensure consistent curing. The use of specialized equipment, such as dehumidifying dryers and cleanrooms, is often necessary to ensure the quality and consistency of LSR parts.


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