IETM Vs 3d Blowups
There is a misconception about IETM. As the name indicates interactive, then people assume that it is a 3d based on blowup software. Interactive means, users can browse or cross-refer or interact with the software to search on a particular topic/sub-topic.
Assume that you have 3000 pages in 10 different manuals, you cannot refer to all the pages quickly. But this interactive electronic technical manual searches the entire database of 3000 pages in a second and displays results. Because all the text is converted into the database, hence search and retrieval will be done in seconds. Users can see related topics and also on rollover of text, users can see images, Video or text descriptions, etc.
Users can save bookmarks and annotate text etc. Users can see his search history, document access history, etc.
These elements are called INTERACTIVITY. These features power the document and make it an Interactive electronic manual. These documents are technical in nature and seen using electronic devices hence they are termed interactive electronic technical manuals.
Interactivity does not mean, clicking on the part it will blow up into sub-parts, and clicking on a subpart it will further blow up and an explanation comes in voice-over, etc.
They are called 3d Blowups or 3d Virtual reality models and Computer-based tutors (CBTs)
Having said this, still we can put these 3d blowups in IETM. If OEM has any videos or 3d animation blowups then we can plug them into IETM.

What Is Interactive Electronic Technical Manual
IETM Assignment.
- This job is creating Interactive Technical Manuals Level -4
- IETM Vendor will only make IETM by using inputs given by the Client
- Videos, Images, Cad drawings/PDF, to be provided by Client only
- Whatever Videos, Graphics, Diagrams, etc. available with the client will be integrated into IETM
- IETM Vendor will not create any 3d animations or 3D Models, or 2 d Animations, 2d Drawings, etc. Whatever the 3d file, OEM has, we will plugin in IETM only.
- Videography, photography or cad designing, blowup drawings designing, etc. will not be done by IETM Vendor
3d Animations and blowups can be taken as separate tasks based on the complexity of the system and the level of blowups that you want. We have a separate division to take up such assignments.
If your SCOPE /SOTR /RFP says IETM then stick to IETM only. These 3d animations cost more than IETM cost.
Another important point to check is which IETM level the client/ SCOPE is asking for. Generally, they may ask for Level 3 or Level 4. (If your RFQ is 5 years old around 2016-17 then they may ask for Level -2)
The latest RFPs / SCOPE asks for Level -4 only.
If your client simply says IETM then opt for IETM level 3 only. Because Level 4 costs almost double of Level -3.
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