Erectile dysfunction: Causes and Treatment
Men can suffer from mild, moderate or complete Erectile dysfunction at any time. But, there are numerous studies being conducted to determine estimates of the amount of men suffering from Erectile dysfunction are different.

It is a medical issue that renders a man ineffective at achieving and maintaining sexual intimacy. Although the condition was believed to affect only older men in the past, a lot of young men are experiencing erectile dysfunction as they reach their 30's today.

In younger men, erectile dysfunction usually occurs due to mental or physical conditions. It is important to be proactive regarding erectile dysfunction diagnosis and treatment, regardless of age.

This article will provide information on the reasons behind the erectile dysfunction that you experience in your 30's, and how the Urology Clinic in Austin can help you overcome the issue.

The 30's saw the first ED Was it common?

Men can suffer from mild, moderate or complete Erectile dysfunction at any time. But, there are numerous studies being conducted to determine estimates of the amount of men suffering from Erectile dysfunction are different. if you are suffer from erectile dysfunction or male impotence then you can take Vidalista 60 USA. These variations could be the result of a variety of variables, including questionnaires utilized by researchers and the different screening instruments, etc.

Many researchers agree in the belief that the chance for developing Erectile Dysfunction is likely to increase as you the advancing years.

Why Does ED Risk Increase With Age?

One of the main reasons ED risk increases with age is the fact that the process of erection is complex which involves the participation of diverse bodily systems which tend to change as we age.

As an example, benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) which is also known as prostate enlargement - is frequent in men of older age and is linked to Erectile dysfunction as well as ejaculation difficulties. As the prostate grows larger it will enlarge the urethra, which is the tube that transports semen and urine.

The aging process is also associated with a decrease in blood circulation and low levels of testosterone which could influence your erectile performance and other aspects of your life.

What Causes Erectile Dysfunction?

Many factors can cause the condition, which can be broadly divided into two types:

Physical causes

Psychological reasons

Let's go over each one briefly in order to gain a better understanding of the causes of Erectile dysfunction in males.

Physical Causes

In younger males, ED is generally caused by bad lifestyle choices as well as inadequate general health. The most common causes of ED are:

ObesityIf there is a problem with your body weight or obesity Try losing weight. Obesity is a risk factor for high cholesterol and type 2 diabetes, atherosclerosis, coronary disease and so on. Each of these ailments may contribute to erectile dysfunction.

Lifestyle that is inactive: Studies found that those who are younger than 40 years old and live an unactive or sedentary lifestyle are more likely to develop erectile dysfunction.

smoking: It damages blood vessels and makes it more difficult to achieve a strong sexual intimacy.

Alcohol consumption that is excessive: Excessive alcohol intake could reduce blood flow to the penis, which can lead to erectile dysfunction.

Other causes physical of ED are hypertension (high blood pressure) and hormone imbalances like testosterone levels.

Psychological Causes

Certain psychological triggers can result in erectile dysfunction such as:




Disputs about relationships

These issues impact hormonal levels and also the nerve system which plays an important role in achieving and maintaining the erections.

In some instances performance anxiety may cause erectile dysfunction particularly if you've had ED previously and you are worried about the possibility of recurrence.

How Can Erectile Dysfunction Be Treated?

Whatever led to the ED the majority of cases are treated with the assistance of a physician and a few minor changes to your lifestyle.

If you have erection issues often or regularly, inform your doctor be aware of it. Your doctor might need to discuss the following issues:

Your sexual past

You may be experiencing relationship issues. be experiencing

Your most recent sexual encounter

Questions pertaining to your psychological and physical health

Your doctor could recommend you to an urologist. A urologist is a physician who is skilled in treating female and male urinary tract and male reproductive health.

It is also possible to be asked to explain your symptoms and have a physical exam. The doctor will evaluate the treatment options available and suggest the most appropriate option for you.

Oral Medications

There are numerous oral drugs available to treat impotence or erectile disorder in males. For the United States, these medications are only available on prescription and might not be insured by health insurance. Sildenafil (Viagra) as well as Vidalista 40 mg (Cialis) are considered to be the most safe and most efficient ED medications. But, despite being well-known brands each of Viagra along with Cialis are expensive and may not be affordable to the general population.

Today, a variety of generic viagra versions are available on the market, and are sold to consumers at reasonable cost. Cenforce 100 is known as an extremely effective generic variant of viagra that is branded. Centurion laboratories manufacture different strengths and alternatives to viagra, and supply to the majority of top pharmacies around the world.