Typically, the terms "Ginseng" apply to either Panax Ginseng C.A. Meyer (Korean Ginseng) or Panax quinquefolius L. (American Ginseng). Panax and Siberian Ginseng belong to slightly distinct families. Eleutherocossus Senticosus Maxim is the name of it. The chemical components of Ginseng are the same in both groups. Saponin glycosides can be found in Panax Ginseng.
They go by the name ginsenosides as well. Ginsenosides are not present in Siberian Ginseng. However, it also contains eleutherosides, a different class of chemicals. They are all referred to as adaptogens. Historically, Ginseng has been used to treat a variety of illnesses. Create immunity. There is some evidence that one form of American Ginseng extract may help people experience fewer and milder colds.
Control blood sugar. Additionally, numerous results have indicated that Ginseng may lower blood sugar levels. Ginseng may temporarily improve learning and focus. Ginseng and ginkgo leaf extract, another traditional treatment for dementia, have been combined in several investigations of cognitive function. Even though these findings are fascinating, many experts believe we still need more proof.