In Medical Imaging, Contrast Media Or Contrast Agents Add Contrast To Structures Or Fluids Within The Body
Contrast Media Or Contrast Agents

Barium sulphate is the opaque medium that is most frequently utilised. From Contrast Media/Contrast Agent insoluble heavy metal salt is mixed with water and typically given as a barium enema to check the rectum, colon, and terminal ileum. The patient's oesophagus and stomach are also examined using this method. The spleen, liver, bile ducts, blood arteries, gallbladder, and urinary system are all examined with iodized organic substances. The insertion of unsaturated vegetable oil partially saturated with iodine into the bronchial tree allows for greater X-ray vision of the bronchi than that obtained just by the contrast of confined air. The investigation of the spinal canal and bronchography both use an emulsion of ethyl iodophenylundecylate (myelography)


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