Each stem requires diligence and understanding to avoid any damage to the metal sheet or rolls or plates. Today, we have brought to you five common defects of metal shearing, generally experienced by customers when they approach a non-experienced metal welder and manufacturer. Since, this is a very important work in the metal fabrication work, so it available almost everywhere and gives the most deformities if not executed with precision and right type of blades.
1. Deformity at the edge: Gap between the blades in the shearing machine is the real game changer and can give imperfect edges. Deformity in the edges can be due to damaged blades or wrong blade shear gap or could be because of improper pressure given for hold-downs. We need to ensure, metal sheet or plate is placed properly, they do not move while releasing the pressure. This would help in keeping your metal work away from deformed edges. If it continues, then metal shearing machine needs to be replaced.
2. Bowing: During shearing process, many times metals bow down. This typically happens if shearing is done on a thin, long and narrow strip. It mostly bows downwards, as metal probably has not been able to take the stress of the process. This could be easily avoided by checking the rake angle. By bringing down the rake angle, it can be checked and metal would get the desired shape
3. Burring of Edges: Now what does burred edge imply? If the blade gap is incorrect or blade is dull, this could be the most common issue with metal shearing process whether in NY, Jamaica or Queens or worldwide. Depending upon the thickness and type of the metal, the distance of the lower and the upper blade has to be adjusted for keeping the metal from having burred edges. Consulting an expert would be a good choice here.
4. Cambering: Another very common problem that often happen with metal shearing work. This happens when the metal that is being sheared leaves the sheet in the horizontal direction and does not twist. This could be taken care off simply by checking the rake angle of the shearing machine. A little adjustment would do the trick.
5. Twist: This is an outcome either because of the characteristics of the metal or could be because rake angle was more than necessary. By minimizing the rake angle, it can be avoided.
Metal Shearing is a very technical process and requires the complete understanding of the work. It is important to know the properties of the metal for the best result and for achieving a client’s trust.