WordPress Category Vs Tag In Hindi ? Category Vs Tag Best Guide 2023 » NS Article
WordPress Category vs Tag in Hindi:- आज हम Category Kya Hai ? ,  WordPress Category Kya Hai?, Tag Kya Hai ?,  WordPress Tag Kya Hai?, वर्डप्रेस केटेगरी और टैग

WordPress Category Vs Tag In Hindi ? Category Vs Tag Best Guide 2023 » NS Article

WordPress Category vs Tag in Hindi:- What is Category today? What is WordPress category?, What is tag?, What is WordPress tag?, What is the difference between WordPress category and tag?, Does using categories and tags in SEO increase ranking?

How to put categories and tags in WordPress blog post?, How many categories can be used in a blog post?, How many tags can be used in a blog post? Will talk about etc.

All new bloggers here? I know what is category vs tag, I know many new bloggers want to know this because when they start their blogging career, most of the bloggers make their blog from blogger vs wordpress to wordpress.

Because it is an advanced blogging platform, when they create their first post and page, they do not understand anything about Blog Post Vs Blog Page because these two look almost same.