Today’s children, called digital toddlers born and brought up in a laptop, tablet, and mobile surrounding environment with the availability of internet. Digital toddlers love to learn via audio-visual communication modes like YouTube videos, PPTs, and smart class with limited concentration. Even teachers enjoy teaching English, science, maths, social science and other subjects with smart class online.
Smart class content provides technology-based teaching and learning. Online smart class ensures to improve engagement and interest of the students. Creative content like 3D animated videos by the digital content provider, Online assessment of the students, Online report cards and interactive platform with the teacher and other student induce quick and immerse learning.
Learning and teaching English on English learning software influence all the students. Digital content provider made amazing and interactive English learning videos and English listening videos for students to get interested in them. English language class integrated into English learning software increase engagement and interest of the students by learning with smart content like graphics and movies.