Here are Few of the Characteristics of Citrus Flavors
Citrus Flavors

Citrus is a hesperidium, a berry with a leathery, fragrant skin and a fleshy core that is segmented, according to botany. The exocarp or peel is made up of an inner, white spongy layer called the albedo and an outer, flavedo layer that is covered in oil glands and colours. The wedge-shaped parts (segments) of the fruit's fleshy interior, or endocarp, are filled with many fluid-filled sacs, or vesicles.

The citrus fruit's edible portion consists of these juice sacs. The principal source of Citrus Flavors is the cytoplasmic components. Water, sugars, pectins, lipids, terpenes, amino acids, phenolics, carotenoids, and minerals make up the majority of the juice's ingredients.

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