All You Need To Know about the Weakness of Dynamic Application Security Testing
Dynamic Application Security Testing

Data may be overwritten or malicious payloads inserted into the target site while being scanned using a Dynamic Application Security Testing tool. To provide accurate results while safeguarding the data in the production environment, sites should be scanned in a production-like but non-production environment. The tool cannot test the entire source code of the application and then the application itself because it uses a dynamic testing methodology. To determine whether the tool was configured appropriately or was able to comprehend the online application, the penetration tester should look at the coverage of the web application or at its attack surface.

The tool is unable to use every attack variant for a specific vulnerability. In order to avoid generating attack payloads based on the web application being tested, the tools typically include a predetermined list of attacks. A few technologies have a very limited understanding of how apps with dynamic content, such JavaScript and Flash, behave. jQuery, REST, and Google WebToolkit in AJAX applications, Flash Remoting (AMF), HTML5, mobile apps, and Web Services using JSON and REST are among the top application technologies that most Web application scanners ignore, according to a 2012 survey. Web services' usage of XML-RPC and SOAP technologies, as well as sophisticated workflows like shopping carts and XSRF/CSRF tokens.


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