Extra super p force
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The distinct mix of sildenafil and Dapoxetine show Extra super p force to be a suitable treatment for both problems of men's sexual irregularity. The hybrid drug is unique in the treatment of patients, which can be evident in the extra super P force reviews. With the growing body abuse habits among humans, many lifestyle disorders are becoming a reality in our lives. Unable to break the boundaries of sexuality causes stress and anxiety. Therefore it is advised to purchase more super p forces to make the most of every minute of your life.


Extra power P force 100 mg includes 100mg of sildenafil citrate and 100 mg of Dapoxetine. It is among the most powerful and intense formulas currently used in treating ED and PE. Sildenafil citrate is a remedy for penis flaccidity through increasing blood flow. In contrast, dapoxetine enhances the duration of ejaculation by stimulating the synaptic gap, increasing the quantity of serotonin, a neurotransmitter, in the brain. Thus, the drug can alter the chemical and anatomical function of the sexual organ.


The product is manufactured by sunrise pharmacy. The tablet with extra power force is easy and simple to purchase either as an extra power force on the internet or in a retail store.


Super P Force Extra is recommended to take along with water in one dose, one tablet with water.

It is not recommended to combine two doses. Take as is prescribed or recommended by a physician. Avoid using it soon after or with alcohol.


It could be accompanied by symptoms like abdominal pain, headache, vomiting or rashes, blurred vision, or hearing loss.


Nitrates are a common drug used by people who take antidepressants, antiepileptic drugs, and hypertensive medication should refrain from taking dug.

Avoid it if you have a mental disorder, epilepsy, kidney insufficiency, depression, heart condition, or liver disease.

In the case of hypertensive patients, continuous monitoring is essential.


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