How to adjust the humidity of book printing paper?
In the process of book printing, if the temperature and humidity of the printing paper are not well controlled, it is likely to hinder the whole printing process due to the phenomenon of stuffy car.

How to adjust the humidity of book printing paper?


In the process of book printing, if the temperature and humidity of the printing paper are not well controlled, it is likely to hinder the whole printing process due to the phenomenon of stuffy car.


The printing press is very sensitive to paper. If the temperature and humidity are not well controlled, it is easy to produce curly edges on the paper, which will have an impact on the printing paper feeding and printing overprint.


How does the Chinese printing factory adjust the humidity of the book printing paper? During normal printing, the paper feeding head, front gauge, pull gauge, paper feeding system and front gauge detection system cooperate closely. However, due to paper reasons or adjustment faults, several or even more than a dozen sheets of paper enter between the embossing drum and the rubber drum, resulting in a sudden stop, which is called stuffy car. Stuffy car has a fatal impact on the printing opportunity, Therefore, it needs to attract the attention of printing workers.


The main reasons for the stuffy car are: first, the gap is not adjusted well, including between the paper feeding head and the paper feeding table, and between the paper feeding roller and the paper feeding roller of the mechanical double sheet controller. The height adjustment of the pressing sheet at the front end of the paper feeding table is inappropriate. Generally, it is the thickness of 3 printing papers. Or the ultrasonic double sheet controller and swing rod mechanism fail, resulting in double sheets and multiple sheets. Second, the paper adhesion causes several sheets of paper to be sucked up at the same time for transportation, because the ink layer of the print is too thick or the paper is deformed. The third is the stuffy accident. When the printing press is working normally, if the paper reaches the front gauge early, late, skew, lack of angle, crimping and lack of paper, the photoelectric detection immediately commands the front gauge to stop swinging to prevent the paper from entering the drum again. At the same time, the swing paper delivery teeth do not hold the paper, the machine slows down, the drum is pressed off, the inking roller is lifted, and the water transfer roller and inking roller stop swinging. If the electrical control circuit fails, it is easy to roll a stack of paper between the embossing drum and the rubber drum, and a stuffy accident will occur.


Therefore, the book printing companies must set up a special paper warehouse to make the temperature and humidity of the storage place close to the printing workshop. Such paper is printed on the machine after cutting, which has little impact on the printing quality and can ensure smooth paper feeding.