Name Code And Pixels
Gender Male
Location Hyderabad, India
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Code and Pixels is an IETM level 4 and S1000D development company delivered 25 projects. IETM stands for Interactive Electronic Technical Manual Services which are classified as Level 1/Class 1, Level 2/Class 2, Level 3/Class 3, Level 4/Class 4/Class 4 and Level 5/Class 5. IETM is the replacement of paper work which is equivalent for a paper- based presentation.

joined at 4 years ago

    Role of Graphic Designing

    The graphic design plays an important role in today’s modern competitive gl...

    • codeandpixels

    The future of Instructional Designers

    We are in the midst of a significant learning junction. Half of the industr...

    • codeandpixels

    Different types of Animation

    Animation has been around for a while now and many new types of techniques...

    • codeandpixels

    Some interesting terminologies

    Capacity Building : Capacity building is the process by which individuals...

    • codeandpixels

    Different types of teaching

    Web based training: Web based training refers to training that can be deliv...

    • codeandpixels

    Learning at home

    Electronic publishing (also referred to as e-publication or digital publish...

    • codeandpixels

    10 Most Promising Smart Classroom Solution Providers

    Code and Pixels delivers a comprehensive suite of digital solutions providi...

    • codeandpixels

    Importance of E-learning in Education

    With fast growth in online courses of education across the internet, more a...

    • codeandpixels

    Use of IETMs for Navy Air Force Defence

    Technical manuals (e.g. maintenance, user, training, operations, etc.) publ...

    • codeandpixels