Are Baby Teeth Cavities Something You Should Fix?
At around six months of age, your child's first main tooth begins to erupt. Every two months, the others do the same thing until your child is two and a half years old. At around age six, your child will start losing their main teeth.

Are Baby Teeth Cavities Something You Should Fix?


At around six months of age, your child's first main tooth begins to erupt. Every two months, the others do the same thing until your child is two and a half years old. At around age six, your child will start losing their main teeth.

Do you need to treat cavities in infant teeth given that primary teeth don't live long? Fill cavities as soon as they appear to safeguard your child's oral health. Children who suffer from poor oral health may develop a variety of dental problems.

Facts about Childhood Cavities

Because they know that their child's primary teeth will fall out in a few years, parents frequently ignore cavities in their children's baby teeth. But if an infection spreads after the loss of enamel, pain can quickly follow the development of a cavity.

How Can We Identify My Child's Early Cavity Symptoms?

Even for a skilled practitioner, spotting the early indications of a cavity in a child's tooth may remain challenging. Despite your child's fussy complaints and excessive reactivity to certain foods, cavities may not always show obvious symptoms.

When should infant teeth have fillings? Look at these things to find out.

• Pain during chewing

• Discolorations with a white, yellow, or brownish tint

• Sensitivity to hot, cold, or hard food

• Spontaneous moderate or acute toothaches

• Excessive plaque build-up on your child's teeth

Every six months, you should make an appointment with a paediatric dentist to make sure no cavities have developed.


Issues Caused by Untreated Cavities

Because infant teeth will eventually fall out, cavities in them may seem innocuous. But in addition to oral health difficulties, untreated cavities in infant teeth can affect growth. Your child may have long-lasting social and psychological consequences if you let them ignore a cavity.

Do infant teeth that have cavities need to be filled?

The explanations provided below clarify why you should seek dental care as soon as you notice a newborn cavity.

Untreated Baby Tooth Cavities Can Harm Permanent Teeth

Few people prepare for the early loss of teeth. However, unattended cavities frequently result in the premature loss of main teeth. As a result, the teeth close to the gap start to move into it, which leads to crowding and alignment issues once the permanent teeth erupt.

The transfer of decay from the baby tooth to the permanent tooth before it even erupts represents another possible risk.

Cavities Could Change Your Speech

A painful cavity may prevent your child from developing speech by impeding their efforts to produce a smooth flow of different sounds. If the tooth is lost as a result of the cavity, it might be impossible for your youngster to utter new words. As a result, your youngster may see a decline in communication abilities and start to experience low self-esteem.

Cavities May Influence Eating Patterns

Due to temperature sensitivity and nonspecific pain when chewing food, your child may lose appetite. Your child's nutritional intake may gradually decline as a result of a painful cavity since some beneficial meals are difficult to chew. Your child may start to shun particular meals as a result. Finally, your child's chewing habits may also be affected by infant cavities.

Untreated cavities can spread

In the hotspots left by untreated infant cavities, bacteria flourish. Any illness that is left untreated just spreads and makes the degradation worse. If you do not take your child to the dentist on a regular basis, there may be a greater chance that the infection will spread to nearby tissue.

The symptoms of untreated cavities go beyond ongoing pain. Your kid could also get abscesses, which allow infection to travel to other parts of the body and cause gum conditions including gingivitis and periodontitis.

A Conclusion

Do infant teeth that have cavities need to be filled? It's important to go to Kids Dental Clinic Gurgaon and fill the cavities, especially if your child enjoys sweets. Do not allow a cavity to fester and spread infection.

A good Kids Dentistry in Gurgaon can help you although primary teeth are only transitory, cavities that go untreated could cause your child's oral health issues to last for years. Make an appointment with Kids Dentists in Gurgaon Dr Goel Multispeciality Dental Clinic if you believe your child has a cavity.