When a person deals with a multilingual site, the major problem at the start of the website is whether to hire a translator or a writer for converting the blogs in different languages. Many companies provide content writers services to their clients, and for translation, there are Translation Companies in Delhi that provide the best services. But, what suits you best for your site? Before choosing any of the given options, first, understand these two terms more accurately.
What is the Difference between A Translator and A Writer?
A Translator is a person who will convert the language of your existing blogs into the other. Here, there will be no change in the existing blogs. The only thing which changes here is the language.
While, if you hire a Writer for this process, then he/she will create new original blogs in every language. Here, you can have different writers for different languages. This will provide a variety of content for the same blog title. Here, the things that are going to change includes the Original content in every language. The blog title can be the same, but the content will differ as different people in different language write it. So, the basic difference between hiring a translator and a writer is in terms of blog content.
Reasons for Opting Translator
Hiring a Translator for your multilingual website has the following advantage:
1. Translation costs less than hiring a writer. It is so because you don't need to spend an extra amount on hiring writers for different languages.
2. It is more efficient as the overall content is already ready.
3. Translation can be less cumbersome if you post less frequently. However, it completely depends upon the frequency of posting your blogs.
4. It can be more accurate as a native speaker will translate your work.
Reasons for Opting Writer
1. Hiring a regional writer can provide you with content that will provide a better understanding of the uniqueness of that region.
2. A writer will ensure that all the content will have value to the client.
3. A regional writer can select a topic that can be more engaging for the readers.
4. It can provide better SEO, and this will drive more traffic to the blog.
What To Choose A Translator Or A Writer?
Before choosing any of the available options, do examine your needs. Both the options have advantages and disadvantages. On one side, a Translating service can be cheap as compared to hiring a writer. While on the other side, in translation, converting every line of the content is difficult in different languages. So, this is where a company should examine its needs.
If your budget is low, then move towards translating service. If you want different content in different languages and on the same topic, then hire a writer. If you want a complete native touch in the content, it is better to hire a writer. This is how a person can choose between these two alternatives.
Handing and developing multilingual languages is difficult for any person. But it can be resolved by hiring a translator or a writer. You can search for the best content writers in Delhi to have great services. But, choose an option that serves best for you.