Best Dental Clinic in Gurgaon Making Understanding of Periodontal Disease
The Dental clinic makes sure that people get awareness about major periodontal treatment in Gurgaon.

Best Dental Clinic in Gurgaon Making Understanding of Periodontal Disease


The Dental clinic makes sure that people get awareness about major periodontal treatment in Gurgaon.

Periodontal also known as periodontitis is an inflammation and infection in gums and bones that surround and support teeth. 47.2% of adults above the age of 30 suffer from periodontal disease and this number goes on to increase up to 70% above the age of 65. This disease is one of the leading causes of tooth loss in adults.

Periodontists are qualified dentists who have an additional three years of education and specialized training in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of gum disease. They also perform dental implant surgery and cosmetic periodontal procedures. Your periodontist will work closely with your dentist to manage your oral health.


Looking for periodontal treatment in Gurgaon? Dr Goel Dental  Clinic having best Periodontists in Gurgaon that specialized in treatment.


Sometimes it may go beyond teeth and cause diseases like Rheumatoid Arthritis, Pancreatic Cancer, Alzheimer's, Diabetes, Stroke, Heart disease, and more. The main reason for the disease is bacteria in the mouth and if left untreated might result in tooth loss.

Reason for the occurrence of Periodontal disease

The main reason for the disease is bacteria in the plaque which remain untreated.


The plague in our mouth is formed when bacteria form a bond with mucus and other particles. This plague when not removed by brushing flossing hardens and forms tartar.


The area around the teeth is inflamed because our immune system releases defense cells to get rid of the bacteria. Due to swelling in gums, it pulls away teeth creating a small gap that leads to the settlement of bacteria in it.


There are some other reasons as well that lead to periodontal disease-


         2.Poor nutrition

         3.Hormonal changes


         5.Crooked teeth

         6.Poor oral hygiene

Stages of Periodontal disease

These are of two different types-


It is one of the mild and common forms of  (Periodontitis)gum disease and can be reversed. The teeth are firmly planted in the sockets even after plaque builds up on the teeth and gums. If left unchecked leads to incurable Peridontitis. Good oral hygiene and regular checkups to prevent it.

2. Periodontal disease

It is a stage where teeth can become loose and fall out. Because destruction has reached the underlying bone. The gap that is created by gum inflammation becomes severe and affects more gum tissue and bones.


The initial damage to ligaments or joints between the root of the tooth and socket is almost undetectable. But gradually you will observe bad breath, and bad taste and your teeth look longer because the gums have receded. At this stage, dental implants and surgery are a cure for it.


Symptoms of Periodontal disease-


         1. Bad breath or bad taste.

         2. Pus between teeth and gums.

         3. New spaces in between your teeth.

         4. Teeth appear to look longer because of receding gums.

         5. Change the fitting6 pattern of teeth while biting down.

         6. Gums may look bright red, dusky red, or purplish gums.

         7. Gums start to bleed.

         8. Painful chewing.



Periodontal Disease


Taking care of Periodontal disease does not only improve the health of your mouth but also keeps your overall body healthy. This disease can be painless; you might not know if it has affected you. So the best way to find and treat gum disease is through X-rays. And if you have not visited the dentist for a while now and experiencing any of the above symptoms immediately get a check-up done.


So if you are facing any problem related to your gums make a visit to the best dental clinics in Gurgaon they offer you the best treatment for your gum disease starting from X-rays to regular checkups by highly qualified doctors at the top dental clinic in south city 1.