As a member of the sunflower family, artichokes have a low fat content and are full of nutrients
The fibre in artichokes may protect the state of the stomach by fostering good gut flora. Artichoke plants feature a rosette of large, deeply serrated, silvery leaves that can grow to a length of one metre (three feet).

The artichoke plant has a rosette of enormous, deeply serrated, silvery leaves that can reach a length of one metre (three feet) and die each year after the blooms have bloomed by promoting healthy gut bacteria, the fibre in Artichokes may preserve the condition of the gut.

 Inulin, a form of fibre that serves as a prebiotic, is found in Artichokes .Three to five big flower buds are produced on robust, branching flower stalks by the plants. The artichoke buds develop into thistle-like complex flower heads with numerous tiny purple disc blooms if they are not removed. The inedible "fuzz" that covers the artichoke heart none a cooked artichoke is made up of the small immature blossoms.

The rosettes pack together after four to eight years, and the size and quality of the heads deteriorate. The plant is then replenished by sowing rooted offshoots or rosette crown divisions. Although full flower heads do generate seeds, vegetative propagation is favoured since the seedlings could not look exactly like the parent plant's type.


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