Remote Writer

Remote Writer is a progressive writing service that is the leading English language website. We help students craft their papers and edit drafts. Our range of tasks is quite wide, and ambitions are limited only by your imagination. It is this policy that has allowed our company to outperform its competitors. But we need new blood. Therefore, we are looking for a remote writer who wants to be part of an academic team. Must have: Masters or Ph.D. degree; experience crafting academic assignments; an ability to quickly search for information; stress tolerance and creativity; desire to progress as a writer; ability to defend your point of view. What we offer: High salary and bonuses; interesting projects; the friendly team of writers; an ability to work remotely; an ideal portfolio. We're looking for people who aren't afraid of lines like, "How about paying someone to write your paper?" In addition, we need ambitious people who want to stand out from the crowd and always be in trend. If you are ready to carefully analyze the instructions and craft the perfect papers, we will be glad to have you as part of our team. Don't be afraid to send us your resume. We will gladly consider each candidate and will answer you.