Wood Preservatives- Chemicals Are Used To Preserve Wood From Decay, Insects, And Other Harmful Organisms
Wood Preservatives

Chemicals are applied to wood items to preserve it from pests; as a result, these chemicals are regarded as pesticides. A treatment must be thorough enough to ensure that no untreated wood is exposed and available for pests to attack in order to be effective. The Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) does not regulate treated wood, even though its applications may be limited by state law and/or the preservative label. The EPA considers wood items that have been treated with preservatives as "treated goods" as opposed to pesticides. Also, there may be certain health hazards while working with newly treated wood.

The substances employed are known as Wood Preservatives but are actually categorised as pesticides. Depending on whether the substance is produced in oil or water, they are typically categorised as either oilborne or waterborne preservatives. In Table 1, which also lists their properties, a list of those registered for usage in Florida is shown. Federal and state pesticide laws apply to wood preservatives.


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