What is a Dosimeter and Know Why it is Important?

In the field of science known as dosimetry, a dosimeter is a device that measures the amount of ionizing radiation exposure received from alpha or beta particles, neutrons, gamma rays, or x-rays. For those who work in radiation-exposed environments, it is a necessary tool.  To make sure that a person does not receive a dangerous dose of radiation over a certain amount of time, Dosimeters are utilized.

For the management and protection of occupational radiation, governing agencies have standards. A dosimeter's primary objective is to keep an occupational dose as low as is practicably possible (ALARA).  When people are exposed to large levels of radiation, it can be fatal to them. Radiation is extremely dangerous to humans. When radiation levels are excessively high, dosimeters warn and educate individuals so they can leave the exposure area and prevent radiation poisoning.

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