URL Kya Hota Hai in Hindi: - What was the history of URL today? How many parts of URL are there? What should happen for URL? Will talk about etc.
URL Kya Hota Hai In Hindi ? ब्लॉग का URL कैसे बनाए Best Guide 2023 » NS Article
URL Kya Hota Hai in Hindi: - What was the history of URL today? How many parts of URL are there? What should happen for URL? Will talk about etc.
All new bloggers have come? The URL identifies the web page of every website, through this, user or search engines on the Internet come on your website or web page.
According to the SEO, you have to create an URL of your blog or website, so that the ranking of your website in the search engine, you can also create a regular visitor.
URL means "uniform resource locator" today, all web pages on the Internet, website is a web address of all of them, this web address is called URL. This is different for each website. Or URL