Plastic foam insulation made with Chlorine chemistry can improve the energy efficiency of household heating and cooling systems, lowering energy bills and helping to conserve natural resources. Vinyl windows that are energy-efficient can cut heating and cooling expenditures as well as GHG emissions. According to research, the energy required to make vinyl windows is roughly one-third that required to manufacture aluminium windows. Furthermore, because chlorine chemistry is utilised to help make durable paintings, it can contribute to the attractiveness of every room in your home.
Bullet-resistant vests worn by troops and police personnel are made using chlorine chemistry. Chlorine chemistry is also employed in the manufacture of parachutes, night vision goggles, cockpit canopies, and missile guiding technology. Chlorine chemistry is utilised in the production of seat cushions, bumpers, brake fluid, and airbags that help keep passengers safe and pleasant on planes, trains, vehicles, and boats. The chemistry of chlorine is also utilised to make shatter-resistant windows, wire and cable, steel hulls, and navigation systems.