External beam radiation therapy is the most common type of Radiotherapy. It uses a machine called a linear accelerator to deliver radiation to the cancerous area from outside the body. The machine can rotate around the body and target the cancerous area from different angles. This allows for precise delivery of radiation to the tumor while minimizing exposure to healthy tissue. External beam radiation therapy is usually given in daily doses over a period of several weeks. The number of treatments and the dose of radiation will depend on the type and stage of cancer, as well as the patient's overall health.
Internal Radiotherapy, also known as brachytherapy, involves placing a radioactive source inside the body near the cancerous area. The source can be in the form of a pellet, seed, or wire, and it is placed directly into the tumor or nearby tissue. Internal radiation therapy can be given as a one-time treatment or as a series of treatments over several days. The radiation is delivered directly to the cancerous area, which reduces the risk of damage to healthy tissue.
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