Patients With Eisenmengers Syndrome Will Require Eisenmenger Syndrome Treatment Depending On Their Symptoms And Condition
Eisenmenger Syndrome Treatment

Eisenmenger syndrome is a chronic consequence of an untreated heart condition that was present at birth (congenital heart defect). Eisenmenger syndrome poses a serious risk to life. The heart and lungs experience erratic blood flow in Eisenmenger syndrome. As a result, the blood arteries in the lungs stiffen and constrict. Lung artery blood pressure increases (pulmonary arterial hypertension). The lungs' blood arteries are irreversibly affected by Eisenmenger syndrome. Eisenmenger syndrome is typically avoided through early detection and treatment of congenital cardiac abnormalities. If it develops, regular doctor visits and drugs to address the symptoms are part of the Eisenmenger Syndrome Treatment.


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