In Contrast To Personal Computers, Workstation Are Faster, More Capable Computers Used For Individual Use

Ultimately, Workstation features were included into common PCs, which led to the market segment for workstations declining. Moreover, the price difference between higher-end PCs and lower-end workstations shrank. While high-end Computers employed potent processors like the Intel Xeon, IBM Power, AMD Opteron, or Sun UltraSPARC - a powerhouse for computer-processing work - low-end Workstation used Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon 64 CPUs. These latter devices, which are also referred to as workstation class PCs, have capabilities like:

·       code that corrects errors (EEC) memory assistance

·       extra memory slots for modules that have been registered

·       multiple sockets for processors with greater power

·       several displays

·       dependable operating systems (OSs) with cutting-edge capabilities

·       performance-oriented graphics cards

The only workstations that use x86-64 CPUs and widely spread operating systems like Windows, Mac OS X, Solaris 10, and Linux are currently made by Sun Microsystems.


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