Super-nutrients, Polyphenol are! Since the purpose of polyphenols is to protect plants, they currently have no recognised weak points. Contrary to vitamins, polyphenols are not light- or oxidation-sensitive and remain intact even after cooking in the foods we eat.
· Tea (green or black), grapes, soybeans, and various berries, drupes, and accessory fruits are among the foods having the highest polyphenol content (such as blackcurrant, blueberries, and cherries)
· Capers (181 mg/100 g), raw yellow hot peppers (51 mg/100 g), cocoa powder and raw red onions (20 mg/100 g), wild blueberries (18 mg/100 g), blackcurrant (6 mg/100 g), raw apples with the skin (4.4 mg/100 g), and raw broccoli (3.2 mg/100 g) are the foods with the greatest levels of quercetin.
· Black tea (49.5 mg/100 mL) and green tea (65.7 mg/100 mL) are the foods with the highest catechin concentration.
· Red grapes (30-750 mg/100 g), cherries (350-400 mg/100 g), blueberries and red currants (80-420 mg/100 g), blackberries (115 mg/100 g), and eggplants (750 mg/100 g) are the foods with the highest anthocyanin concentration.
· Foods with the highest resveratrol content: pinot noir grape variety (5.4 mg/L on average and up to 11.9 mg/L)