GlobalNucleic Acid Isolation and Purification Market s
GlobalNucleic Acid Isolation and Purification Market size was valued at US$ XX Mnin 2019 and the total revenue is expected to grow at XX% through 2020 to 2026,reaching nearly US$ 3789.3 Mn.

GlobalNucleic Acid Isolation and Purification Market size was valued at US$ XX Mnin 2019 and the total revenue is expected to grow at XX% through 2020 to 2026,reaching nearly US$ 3789.3 Mn.

The global Nucleic Acid Isolationand Purification market report is a comprehensive analysis of the industry,market, and key players. The report has covered the market by demand andsupply-side by segments. The global Nucleic Acid Isolation and Purificationreport also provide trends by market segments, technology, and investment witha competitive landscape.


Global Nucleic Acid Isolation andPurification Market


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Global Nucleic Acid Isolation andPurification Market Overview:


Cloning, sequencing, polymerasechain reaction, and other molecular biology methods are used in the separationand purification of nucleic acids. Genetic engineering, life science analysis,forensics, and molecular diagnostics are only a few of the fields where thesemethods can be used. Nucleic acid separation speeds up sample preparation,reduces nucleic acid leakage and decay, and improves laboratory performance andefficacy. It also aids in nucleic acid purification.


Isolation and purification ofnucleic acids are needed for a wide range of medical purposes, including drugdevelopment and analysis. A broad range of scientific and therapeutic usesnecessitates the use of high-quality, extremely pure nucleic acids such as DNAand RNA.


According to the WHO, more than 1million sexually transmitted diseases are contracted every day across theworld, with 500 million adults having genital herpes simplex virus (HSV)infection and 290 million women having a human papillomavirus (HPV) infection.As a result, all STDs can be diagnosed using nucleic acid separation anddetection techniques, implying that the demand under consideration is likely todevelop internationally.

Global Nucleic Acid Isolation andPurification Market Dynamics:




Due to main factors such as theadvances in clinical diagnostic techniques, rising public-private support forlife science research, and increasing automation around the globe, the demandfor nucleic acid separation and purification is expected to expandsignificantly in the coming years. Furthermore, over the projected era, therising demand for pure nucleic acid for drug delivery is expected to providenew opportunities for the global nucleic acid isolation and purificationindustry.


The emergence of novelapplications such as molecular diagnostic imaging, expression processing, andgenotyping would provide new opportunities for global nucleic acid isolationand purification industry suppliers. New product growth, mergers andacquisitions, and partnerships are some of the latest industry developments inthe global nucleic acid isolation and purification market.



The high cost of digitalinstruments, on the other hand, is likely to stifle demand development.

Also, low penetration of automatednucleic acid isolation and purification procedures in developing markets, aswell as an increase in market consolidation, are limiting the global nucleicacid isolation and purification market's expansion.

Global Nucleic Acid Isolation andPurification Market Segment Analysis:


Based on Product, Kits accountedfor the largest portion of the demand in 2019. The low cost and ease of use ofkits in applications such as gene sequencing, molecular diagnostics, and genecloning are driving growth in this industry. The instruments section, on theother hand, is expected to grow at the fastest rate during the forecast era.


Based on Method, the largest shareof the global nucleic acid isolation and purification market was held by thecolumn-based isolation and purification segment in 2019. This process is lessexpensive, easier, and quicker than organic extraction, and it can also beautomated. For rapid and effective extraction, functionalized magnetic beadshave been used in conjunction with appropriate buffer systems in recent years.This approach eliminates the need for centrifugation, which normally breaksdown nucleic acids.


Based on Type, the RNA isolationand purification segment projected to hold the largest share during a forecastperiod owing to the rising use of filtered mRNA for the development of the cDNAlibrary and the use of COVID-19 diagnostics Gene expression profiling,sequencing, and clinical diagnostics are only a few of the uses for theserepositories. Furthermore, the availability of a wide variety of kits for theextraction and processing of viral and bacterial RNA is aiding segmentexpansion.


Because of its growing use in geneexpression profiling, DNA isolation and purification are expected to rise at arate of 13.5 percent during the forecast period. Furthermore, pharmaceuticaland biotechnology firms are embarking on several strategic projects, such asthe introduction of novel drugs that help with nucleic acid isolation.


Based on the Application, the diagnosticsanticipated holding the largest share over the forecast period. The growing useof DNA and RNA isolation for pathogen detection in routine sample processing isresponsible for the large share of the market. For example, PCR techniques arecommonly used to identify microorganisms quickly, which was previouslyimpossible using conventional microbiological detection methods. In addition,new medical solutions for detecting emerging pathogens and diseases are beingintroduced by businesses.


Global Nucleic Acid Isolation andPurification Market 1


Based on End User, Hospitals andmedical centers accounted for the majority share of the industry in 2019. Thegrowing research activities and use of nucleic acid tests in moleculardiagnostics can be due to this segment's large share. Also, genetic disordersincluding sickle cell anemia, haemophilia A, and Tay-Sachs disease have beensuccessfully diagnosed using DNA/RNA separation and purification techniques. Asa result, the proliferation of such effective technologies at modest to lowcosts is projected to boost their acceptance in diagnostic centers andhospitals.

Global Nucleic Acid Isolation andPurification Market Regional Insights:


The nucleic acid separation andpurification industry in North America held the largest market share, in 2019.The development of the nucleic acid isolation and purification market in NorthAmerica is being fueled by factors such as substantial R&D investment inbiotechnology and pharmaceutical industries, technical advances, and governmentfunding.


Hemophilia A affects one out ofevery 5,000 male births in the United States, according to the Centers forDisease Control and Prevention (CDC). About 400 babies are born withhaemophilia A per year.

In addition, the presence of well-establishedhealthcare infrastructure is fueling the overall regional market's developmentto a large degree.


The Asia Pacific area, on the fliphand, is expected to rise at the fastest rate during the forecast period. Someof the major factors driving the growth of the Asia Pacific nucleic acidisolation and purification market include an increase in genomic ventures andincreased R&D investments by pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies inthis field.


Global Nucleic Acid Isolation andPurification Market 2


The objective of the report is topresent a comprehensive analysis of the global Nucleic Acid Isolation andPurification market to the stakeholders in the industry. The past and currentstatus of the industry with the forecasted market size and trends are presentedin the report with the analysis of complicated data in simple language. Thereport covers all the aspects of the industry with a dedicated study of keyplayers that include market leaders, followers, and new entrants.


PORTER, SVOR, PESTEL analysis withthe potential impact of micro-economic factors of the market have beenpresented in the report. External as well as internal factors that are supposedto affect the business positively or negatively have been analyzed, which willgive a clear futuristic view of the industry to the decision-makers.


The report also helps inunderstanding the global Nucleic Acid Isolation and Purification marketdynamics, structure by analyzing the market segments and project the globalNucleic Acid Isolation and Purification market size. Clear representation ofcompetitive analysis of key players by product, price, financial position,product portfolio, growth strategies, and regional presence in the globalNucleic Acid Isolation and Purification market make the report investor’sguide.

Global Nucleic Acid Isolation andPurification Market Scope: Inquire before buying


Global Nucleic Acid Isolation andPurification Market, by Product


• Kits

• Reagents

• Instruments

Global Nucleic Acid Isolation andPurification Market, by Type


• Plasmid DNA Isolation andPurification

• Total RNA Isolation

• Circulating Nucleic AcidIsolation and Purification

• Genomic DNA Isolation andPurification

• Messenger RNA Isolation andPurification

• microRNA Isolation andPurification

• PCR Cleanup

• Other Nucleic Acid Isolation andPurification Types

Global Nucleic Acid Isolation andPurification Market, by Method


• Column-based Isolation andPurification

• Magnetic Bead-based Isolationand Purification

• Reagent-based Isolation andPurification

• Other Isolation and PurificationMethods

Global Nucleic Acid Isolation andPurification Market, by Application


• Diagnostics

• Drug Discovery & Development

• Personalized Medicine

• Agriculture & AnimalResearch

• Other Applications

Global Nucleic Acid Isolation andPurification Market, by End User


• Hospitals & DiagnosticCenters

• Academic & GovernmentResearch Institutes

• Pharmaceutical &Biotechnology Companies

• Contract Research Organizations

• Other End Users

Global Nucleic Acid Isolation andPurification Market Key Developments:


Zymo Research and Tecan, forexample, collaborated in March 2020 to launch ready-to-use processing productsthat can speed up DNA or RNA extraction from COVID-19 specimens.


Purigen Biosystems, Inc. releasedthe Ionic FFPE Complete Purification Kit in March 2021, which allows users toretrieve RNA/DNA from FFPE tissue samples in a single workflow.

Global Nucleic Acid Isolation andPurification Market, by Region


• North America

• Europe

• Asia Pacific

• The Middle East and Africa

• South America

Global Nucleic Acid Isolation andPurification Market Key Players



• Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc.

• Illumina, Inc.

• Danaher Corporation

• F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG

• Merck KGaA

• Agilent Technologies

• Bio-Rad Laboratories

• Takara Bio, Inc.

• Promega Corporation

• New England Biolabs

• LGC Limited

• Abcam plc

• Norgen Biotek Corp

• AutoGen, Inc.

• PCR Biosystems, Inc.

• Other Key Players

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