An Amide Derivative Of Glucose, Chitin Is A Polymer Composed Of N-Acetylglucosamine

Chitin is a white, sticky substance found in the outer skeletons of insects, crabs, and lobsters, as well as other invertebrates' interior systems. It is a polysaccharide made up of amino sugar glucosamine units. Chitin is a byproduct of crustacean processing that is used as a waste water flocculating agent, wound healing agent, thickener and stabiliser for foods and pharmaceuticals, an ion-exchange resin, a membrane for chromatography and electrodialysis, a binder for dyes, fabrics, and adhesives, and a sizing and strengthening agent for paper.

Chitin is a ubiquitous biopolymer found in microorganisms, plants, fungi, insect exoskeletons, certain algae species, and bottom-feeding crustaceans. This (1-4)-linked N-acetyl-ß-D-glucosamine polysaccharide is easily produced using simple chemical techniques without endangering any species. Chitin has sparked interest as an alternative material with applications in medicine, the environment, and agriculture. Indeed, the polymer's exceptional biocompatibility, environmental safety, and inherent water-solubility allow it to be used in a wide range of applications.


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