An Encoder is a sensor device that offers feedback, to put it simply. Encoders translate movement into an electrical signal that a counter or PLC, or any form of control device in a motion control system, can read. A feedback signal from the Encoder can be used to calculate position, count, speed, or direction. This data can be used by a control device to transmit a command for a specific task. Mechanical, magnetic, resistive, and optical technologies are all used by encoders to create signals, with optical being the most popular. The encoder in optical sensing gives feedback depending on the interruption of light.
The Code Disk, which has an opaque line pattern, is traversed by an LED beam of light (much like the spokes on a bike wheel). The opaque lines on the Code Disk on the Encoder shaft cause the light beam from the LED to be broken before being detected by the Photodetector Assembly. This generates a pulse signal: light = on; no light = off. The desired function is produced by the signal once it is conveyed to the counter or controller.
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