Modello A case modulari in legno A-FOLD
Scopri il Modello A delle case modulari in legno A-FOLD:configura la seconda casa ideale dove trascorrere le giornate fuori città
Model An of theA-FOLD secluded wooden houses
Especially used to construct resorts and glamping locales,the Model An of the A-FOLD measured wooden houses addresses an ideal secondhome to go through the days outside the city and reaches from little sizes tomore open sorts to oblige enormous families. Foldable home
Model A - Cabin
51.00 sq.m.
This is the essential model that can be utilized for variousapplications. Mostly utilized by visit administrators to fabricate resorts andglamping destinations, CABIN fits very well as a second home in which to spendincredible outings of town. The size is 51.00 square meters.
* It is feasible to add the overhang as an alternative
Model A - Young
75.00 sq.m.
Albeit still mainstream as a YOUNG occasion home, it verywell may be the route for youthful couples to at last claim a property that candevelop alongside their fantasies. The measurements are 75.00 square meters.
* It is feasible to add the overhang as an alternative
Model A - Family
100.00 square meters
With its 3 rooms, this model was not nonchalantly namedFAMILY. FAMILY offers gigantic living space, 3 rooms and 2 restrooms in 100.00square meters. This is the thing that we call a smart method of living.
* It is feasible to add the overhang as an alternative
The organization of A-FOLD with UED (European University ofDesign) this year has appeared with the improvement of inventive tasks of theunderstudies of the "Item Design" course, under the direction ofincredible figures.
Prof. Monica Alegiani and the Head of the Department ofArchitecture and Design Angelo Bucci are experts represented considerableauthority in Industrial and Interior plan, with a rich foundation in the planof brilliant answers for improve regular living conditions.
Monica Alegiani is the establishing architect of the MADstudio, where she actually deals with the improvement of new items. Herabilities permit her to accept all periods of item improvement: fromstatistical surveying to the advancement of the thought, going through its specializedacknowledgment, up to focused visual and publicizing correspondence. It flauntslarge names in its customer bundle, including Arena.
The A-FOLD house is the hero of UED projects
The particular house A-FOLD hero of the tasks of the UEDfashioners
The progressive A-FOLD home reacts to present day lodgingneeds and means to advance a reasonable way of life and thought of tourism .A dream that propelled the youthful creatives of UED to configuration plan andpractical furniture segments, intended to be embedded inside A-FOLD collapsinghouse.
Underneath we momentarily present the undertakings made bythe originators.
Monica Biffi and Tania D'Agostino center around Relax andBusiness, with new outfitting frameworks for dressing, which with theirtwo-dimensionality make workspaces or supplant the profundity of a closet,making extra space in the room. The creative component utilized as a work areain the flight of stairs rearranges work spaces in an ideal manner.
Riccardo Bizzarri upgrades the solace of a practical home,with an imaginative framework intended for squander the board outside the home.
Alessia Cipolletti has grown incredibly adaptable answersfor tweak the home, for example, coat holders, void pockets, components for thekitchen or for divider lighting.
Sonia Mininno proposes an answer for increment space withoutforfeiting outfitting segments: an imaginative collapsing two-seater bed thatwith its design adjusts impeccably to the spaces of the upper floor of A-FOLDhouse.
Maria Teresa Parisi and Roberto Potenza have chipped away atmaintainable, light and safe school spaces, with a pragmatic cardboard modulecomprising of seats and tables, ideal for unwinding regions or schoolconditions that energize sharing.
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