Home Exercises You Can Do While on COVID-19 Quarantine
The COVID-19 has taken a great deal from social bringing about the utilization of the web. top health care magazines and health articles have an assortment of home activities thoughts you can do while on COVID-19 quarantine. Be instructed, Read our latest blog now!

The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a big part in our daily lives. With the limited time we can spend outside due to some restrictions, our physical activities have been limited as well. Nevertheless, we should remember how important it is to be physically fit nowadays. Fortunately, there are home exercises that can help us stay fit while at home most of the time.

Being physically fit involves activities such as sports participation, cycling, and walking, which are now difficult to achieve. Gyms are closed and you only have your home or garden to create active recreation from. Now the question is, what kind of activities can you do?

6 Home Exercises You Can Do at Home

1. Yoga

Yoga can ease anxiety and aid with physical tension. It can be done both by adults and young children. It has many health advantages and is dependent on the type you practice. Additionally, if you wish to build muscles, yoga can help too. It has shown to build strength when done daily.

2. Bodyweight Exercises

Simple bodyweight exercises like squats, push-ups, planking, and lunges give the same benefit as using gym equipment. Aside from improving your cardiovascular endurance, it also strengthens your muscle. 

3. Weight Lifting

If you think that you won’t be able to do weight lifting outside the gym, think twice. You can use heavy cans, books, or other heavy objects at home as improvised weights. You can also incorporate weight lifting with other bodyweight exercise routines.