Child Insurance in Canada: A Complete Guide
Child Insurance in Canada: A Complete Guide

The mere thought of buying life insurance causes uneasiness amongst many because of the obvious contemplation of planning for one’s death. More so, when it comes to buying a children’s plan in Canada. The mere thought of getting a child-saving plan is an unsettling one. But if you are new to the concept, let’s break it down for you. A child savings plan is primarily focused upon offering financial security to a dependent child. More than anything else, it’s a guarantee for your child to overcome a financial plunge if the need ever occurs in the future.


As a parent or a grandparent, buying life insurance for your kids is one of the best investments that you can make for them. Just like any other life insurance, a child savings plan will give you a financial pay-out in case your younger one leaves this mortal world before you. However, that should hardly a reason behind so many people buying a child savings plan in Canada.


Does Your Child Need Insurance?


To be honest, as soon as you mention life insurance for children, people often take a gasp. It’s looked upon as an unthinkable task.While getting insurance for your kid might seem a morbid idea, most financial experts recommend getting one to ensure peace of mind when it comes to your child’s safety.


Life Insurance Coverage Options for Children


Buying a child-saving plan offers you the flexibility and access to money in need of a financial emergency, including education or any medical expenses. There are a number of options available for children. You can pick any one of the following:


  1. Child Term Riders


If you already have life insurance in place, going with a CTR will probably be the cheapest option that you can choose to secure your kid’s future. While choosing a policy rider, there are several factors that you have to consider. The first one being that the rider will look after and provide term life insurance coverage for your kid. These riders mostly offer assured insurability up to a specific age, generally 21-25.


  1. Stand Alone Term Renewable Coverage

As the name suggests, the Stand-Alone Term Renewable Policy belongs exclusively to your child that can be renewed at fixed intervals without endowing any extra medical evidence. You can convert such policies into permanent or whole life plans before they expire.


  1. Insurance for life (Whole life or Universal life)

Whole Life Insurance is the most common type of child insurance. Though it is a bit expensive than the other two options available in the market, it comes with an additional comprehensive package.


Benefits of Children’s Life Insurance


Life insurance for kids comes with almost the same benefits as that of insurance for adults.


  1. Child Insurance Guarantees Future Financial Support

A proper child insurance plan will help you ensure that your child has an alternative to secure life insurance coverage for their lifetime, no matter whether they have a health issue in the future or not. If your child is diagnosed with a critical illness that can affect the chances of getting insured in the future, child insurance will keep your insurance worries at bay. As a parent, you have the choice of buying additional insurance coverage at fixed rates without the need of undertaking any medical exam. And once the child is of the age, they have the liberty to add more benefits or riders in the later years.


  1. Child Insurance Coverage Has Inexpensive Premiums

As most kids are blessed with good health and because of their young age, life insurance premium rates are quite low as compared to life insurance premiums that you pay in mature years. Some policies also give you the option of choosing to pay for the rest of the life insurance coverage within a limited time frame, you can create a better future for your kid without having them worry about future premiums.


  1. It’s an Additional Saving

Whole life insurance typically acts as a savings medium that the dependent children can utilize to balance up major financial milestones through their lives, right from education, buying a home or even to have a relaxed and worry-free retirement. As the whole life policy’s investment component grows through many years, this growth is tax-deferred, which means the pay-out might reach a considerable amount when it’s time to utilize the money. The insured kids also have the option to avail a policy loan, use it as collateral or surrender it.


Looking for the best child insurance company in Mississauga? MILIFE Insurance is here to help. We have a team of dedicated insurance and finance experts working towards making it easier for Canadians to secure the best insurance at the most affordable prices. So, if you are seeking a reliable insurance partner to help you understand the nuances of child insurance, book an appointment with our experts now! 


Child insurance Canada

Child insurance Canada