Insurance provides protection to your family, home, and your automobiles. There are varieties of insurance plans available with SJ Financial that can save you from a financial loss at every step of life.
Life insurance:
Just purchasing a Life Insurance policy is not enough, you must have enough coverage. Deciding how much coverage you need is an important and difficult question.
Super visa insurance:
Super Visa Insurance keeps you and your parents secure against the financial burden caused because of medical bills.
SJ Financial helps you find the best option available to suit your medical needs and budget. Don’t let your children miss out on precious time with their grandparents. Help them connect with their traditional roots and inculcate traditional values in foreign lands.
We offer affordable super visa insurance for parents who want to visit their children in Canada. Our team is passionate about making sure families are together in Canada.
Travel insurance:
Travel Insurance is always by your side when you face any unexpected situation in a foreign country. You can travel stress-free with Travel Insurance.
At SJ Financial you can compare rates from different Canadian Insurance providers and get the best rates.
Mortgage insurance:
Mortgage Insurance will protect you if an unexpected incident limits you from paying off your mortgage loan.
Disability insurance:
Disability Insurance acts as an alternate income in case you are not fit to work because of some disability.
With Disability Insurance you will be able to maintain your lifestyle and support your family. SJ Financial will help you get the right coverage and be by your side during the claim process.
For more information:
Visit: SJ Financial
Call: 416-707-9900
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