We are moving towards Web 3.0. According to specialists, the current moment is one of transition between Web 2.0 and Web 3.0. The evolution of the world wide web will affect the way of relating to the internet, in a world connected full time.
What is Web 3.0
Web 3.0 is a new generation of Internet development that has as its main foundations the introduction of deep capabilities of machine learning, artificial intelligence (AI) and decentralization. Many believe that it allows users to control and manage their own content and hide personal data. In addition, it will be safer and more affordable than previous generations.
15 years ago, officially established the Web 3.0 terminology. In it, resources will provide users with only useful information.
Much of the third generation of the Internet is still under construction, and technology companies of all sizes are accelerating the development of tools and resources and will seek to commercialize advanced Web 3.0 technologies that will allow consumers and private entities to use these resources more freely.

Check out some of the main Web 3.0 trends for the coming year.
Interactive 3D Web Technology
Tech companies have been working on the development of three-dimensional design and 3D user experience for some time now. But this time, metaverse development company are going one step further to help incorporate these elements into different aspects of the Internet such as computer games, online directories and guides, e-commerce, and enhancing geospatial context.
With the improvement of this technology, consumers and companies will have access to better interactive resources, which will allow both to create virtual identities and interactions within the Web 3.0 ecosystem. For 2023 there will be even more exciting additions to this technology, which is already seeing progress.
Progress in decentralized social networks
Social media companies are being closely watched by consumers and authorities alike, who have been assessing their level of influence and access to users’ private data and information. One promise of Web 3.0 is to bring to life the next era of social media, which will operate in a completely decentralized way.
Project Liberty is an initiative that aims to build a database-centric network that is accessible to the public and that allows users to move their social media records and break free from the various network applications that dominate the market. . By 2022 the project has made progress in efforts to develop a global social network with decentralized social networking protocols (DSNP)
The most recent addition supported by Project Liberty is MeWe, a social network with 20 million members that plans to integrate and utilize the DSNP. Despite all the progress, social media giants are working to get on board with Project Liberty, looking to take advantage of decentralized systems, hoping to capture consumer interest.
Sustainability Efforts
As the Internet evolves, Web 3.0 developers and enthusiasts step forward to improve and increase its greenness, and by 2023 this will likely go a long way.
Climate advocacy groups and Web 3.0 enthusiasts have focused energy on reducing the environmental impact of Web 3.0 and blockchain technology. As they pursue a Web 3.0 revolution, next year we can expect to see more environmental and climate efforts from tech companies. Collective initiatives focused on the environment, for example, metaverse development services are already in progress, which are carrying out tangible actions in support of regenerative projects and the fight against climate change. The Treejer Protocol is one of them. This is an Iran-based project that is working to connect tree financiers with rural planters around the world.
Web 3.0 compatible regions
With the evolution of Web 3.0 and its presence becoming more and more apparent, the trend for the future is to see a gradual increase in the interest of governments and authorities in developing policies and regulations that make it possible to build regions friendly to Web 3.0.
Several countries are already recognizing the resources of Web 3.0, blockchain and cryptocurrencies and thus starting efforts to boost innovations, such as digital currencies and safer decentralized financial systems, for example.
Beyond the direction taken by governments, the basis of Web 3.0 is to ensure fair, equitable and flexible access for all consumers to a global system of users.
the next year
The year 2023 will certainly be one of great technological innovation. The trend over time is a broad democratization of products that were previously only available to small groups.
There is still a lot to be done, like increasing cybersecurity, for example. However, the prospects are very good for a more inclusive and secure online ecosystem.
If you want to be prepared to take advantage of the advances of Web 3.0, you need to count on a capable and attentive partner, who unites technology and innovation.