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joined at 3 years ago

    Some overview of corrosion problems of oil country tubu...

    The Oil Country Tubular Goods produced by Shenlong Pipe includes steel oil...

    • Shenlong

    Some introduction to square and rectangular square tubi...

    As a square steel pipe Supplier, Shenlong Pipe produces square steel pipes...

    • Shenlong

    A general introduction to seamless steel pipe

    This paper simply describes what is seamless steel pipe,the features of sea...

    • Shenlong

    The Difference Between Stainless Steel Decorative Pipe...

    For stainless steel decorative pipes and stainless steel industrial pipes,...

    • Shenlong

    The Production Process and Structure of Stainless Steel...

    Stainless steel tees are mainly used for the connection between the main pi...

    • Shenlong