These queen-size bed with storage and headrest in black color complements a variety of decor in the home, ideal for the alive bedroom. The decorative cushion headrest of the bed maintains a classy look that will complement your home decor. These bed is coming up with storage space to store the assets/ Luggage / Clothes or anything in this bed.
Double Bed Design
These queen-size bed with storage and headrest in black color complements a variety of decor in the home, ideal for the alive bedroom. The decorative cushion headrest of the bed maintains a classy look that will complement your home decor. These bed is coming up with storage space to store the assets/ Luggage / Clothes or anything in this bed. The bed is made up of metal and the cushion magnifies product stability and gives a long-lasting sleeping experience. Sturdy and classy, the bed is perfect for regular use. And become a fantastic addition to your living space.