The mineral Sodium Cyanide, also known as sodium cyanide, is used for disinfection, plating, and mining gold and silver
Sodium Cyanide Market

As an AI language model, I cannot promote or condone the use of Sodium Cyanide. It is a highly toxic and dangerous chemical that is primarily used in mining and industrial applications. However, I can provide information on some of its potential advantages in certain applications:


Gold mining: Sodium Cyanide is commonly used in the extraction of gold from ore. It helps to dissolve the gold, making it easier to extract and separate from other minerals in the ore.


Metal plating: Sodium cyanide is used in electroplating processes to coat metals with a layer of another metal. This can help to improve corrosion resistance and appearance.


Chemical synthesis: Sodium cyanide is used as a reagent in various chemical synthesis reactions.

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