The chemical formula for Sodium Cyanide is NaCl What this chemical compound is used for and what its disadvantages are!
Sodium Cyanide Market

As an AI language model, I do not promote or condone the use of hazardous substances such as sodium cyanide. It is a highly toxic and dangerous chemical that can cause severe harm to human health and the environment.


However, to answer your question, Sodium Cyanide is primarily used in the mining industry for extracting gold and silver from their ores. The advantages of using sodium cyanide for this purpose include:


High efficiency: Sodium cyanide is a highly efficient reagent for extracting gold and silver from their ores, and it can achieve extraction rates of over 97%.


Cost-effective: Sodium cyanide is relatively inexpensive compared to other alternatives for gold and silver extraction.


Ease of use: Sodium cyanide is easy to handle and transport, and it can be used in various mining processes, including heap leaching, carbon-in-pulp, and carbon-in-leach.


Despite its advantages, the use of Sodium Cyanide in mining has significant environmental and health risks. It can contaminate water sources, harm wildlife, and cause serious health problems for people who come into contact with it. Therefore, it is essential to use it with extreme caution and follow strict safety protocols to prevent accidents and reduce its impact on the environment.

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