Grape Soda AAAA
$15.00 – $210.00
As you might expect, Grape Soda’s primary aroma is that of fresh, ripe grapes — notably, though, this scent is coincidental to the flowers’ purple colouring. A deeper whiff may pick up on some other fruity notes like orange and berry. Grinding up or breaking apart these flowers, meanwhile, yields more of a skunky tang. When it’s burnt, Grape Soda gives off a smoke that is thick and heavy but nevertheless fruity and easy to ingest. On the exhale, this smoke leaves behind a robust grape flavour.
The high from Grape Soda can creep up slowly, sometimes not hitting the user some 10 to 15 minutes after they’ve smoked. When they do arrive, effects hit hard, exerting an increased blood pressure around the temples and lower forehead; consumers may also experience some flushing in the cheeks or an increase in salivation. Once these tics subside, users will have access to a warped mental state in which their thoughts seem to have a new dimension or intensity; ideas that might not otherwise strike them can suddenly become fascinating, while certain words or other stimuli can trigger bouts of free association. This cerebral activation can help facilitate intense brainstorming sessions. Alternatively, smokers can simply enjoy Grape Soda’s mental buzz as they get through a boring day’s agenda.
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