Fildena 100 is effective in treating erectile dysfunction problems in men. However, you should not take this medicine if you are under the age of 18 or if you are not allowed to engage in sexual activities. Likewise, you should not take this medication if you are allergic to any of the ingredients.
To make this medication more effective, you should take only a single dose of it each day. It would help if you took it orally, without chewing it. For maximum effectiveness, you should take it with a glass of water. Never take this drug with other medication. Keep the pills away from direct light, children, pets, and other people.
When not using this medication, you should always keep it in a refrigerator. Moreover, you should store it below 30 degrees Celsius. Despite its safety, you should never take this medicine more than twice a day.
It is best to take Fildena only after food. This is because food can delay the effects of the drug, as well as reduce its efficiency. Moreover, it would help if you did not overeat fat or drink too much alcohol while taking this pill.
However, you should not take this medicine unless your doctor recommends it. Some of its side effects include dizziness, vomiting, and fainting. In addition, you should not take this medication if your penis is enlarged.
You should immediately see a doctor if you experience any of these symptoms. Other side effects of Fildena are swelling of the lips, tongue, throat, and other body parts. Aside from this, you should not take this medication if there is any sign of an allergic reaction.
Fildena 100 is a pill used to treat erectile dysfunction in men. This is a selective inhibitor of the PDE-5 enzyme. The main active constituent is Sildenafil Citrate. It has also been found to be effective against pulmonary arterial hypertension.
Several factors may cause erectile dysfunction. One of the causes is an insufficient flow of blood to the penis. A firm erection requires a muscular contraction of the smooth muscle and sexual arousal. Erectile dysfunction affects the personal and professional lives of men. In addition, type-2 diabetes is also known to increase the risk of impotence. Besides this, several other medical conditions can cause erectile dysfunction.
To ensure you get the best results from Fildena 100, you should take the medication only as prescribed. This medicine should be taken on an empty stomach. Ideally, it should be taken at least 30 minutes to an hour before sexual activity.
It would help if you never chewed or crushed Fildena tablets. Instead, it would help if you swallowed them orally with a glass of water. However, if you are pregnant, planning to have a baby, or taking nitrate medications, it is best to talk to your doctor before taking any Fildena.
Other Info: Fildena 150