Buy Ready to Occupy 3Bhk Flats, 4Bhk Apartments in Sarjapur Road, Bangalore | Newly Constructed Houses for Sale
Ready to Move ✓Flats,✓Apartments,✓Dream Homes,✓Residential Property for Sale in Sarjapur Main Road, Bengaluru - Here we are introducing a luxurious August Grand Project, near to wipro corporate office with beautifully designed 3 bhk, 4bhk and 5 bhk houses and world-class amenities to keep you relaxed.

Buy Ready to Occupy 3Bhk Flats, 4Bhk Apartments in Sarjapur Road, Bangalore | Newly Constructed Houses for Sale


*Prices subject to change without notice


Luxury beyond Just a Luxurious House

Sarjapur Main Road, Bangalore

Just 800mts from Wipro

Buy 3,4 & 5 Bhk Dream Homes

INR 7400 per sq.ft


*Prices subject to change without notice


Ultra-Premium Ready to Move-in Residential Flats for Sale in Sarjapur Road, Bengaluru

The Luxury of Time

You wake up in the morning, drive to the gym and then rush to work. You put in long hours at work, travel back in the hustling traffic and go to bed. August Grand aims at giving you back those little luxuries that even money cannot buy

Prime Location & 65 Exclusive Living Spaces

Strategically located on Sarjapur Main Road, Bangalore and just 800 mts from Wipro Corporate Office, which consists fashionable and luxurious 3 bhk flats, 4bhk apartments and 5bhk Sky Villa (duplex house). Also It is very feasible to nearby areas such as Marathahalli, Whitefield, HSR Layout, Koramangala, Belandur, Agara, Outerring Road etc.

The Ideal Lifestyle

In the midst of a jostling work schedule, the long walks with loved ones, a game of basketball with friends and the dinner nights with the family goes missing.

Close to Business IT Hubs & Tech Parks/Companies

RGA Tech Park

Wipro Corporate Office


RMZ Ecospace

RMZ Ecoworld

Embassy Tech Village

Global Technology Park

Pritech Part SE2

Wipro Ltd SEZ

Prestige Tech Park, Kadubisana Halli

Global Technology Park,Devara Bisana Halli

Ozone Manay Tech Park, Garebavi Palya.

AMR Tech Park, Bommanahalli. Etc

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Residential Property Gallery

Model Apartment

  • Dinning Area

  • Living Room

  • Living Room

  • Bedroom

  • 2nd Bed RoomBedroom

  • Bedroom

  • Bedroom

  • Living Room

  • Balcony

  • Kitchen

  • Bathroom


  • Bathroom

  • Washing Area

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  • Party Hall in Ground FloorParty Hall

  • Indoor Gym | World Class Aminities Apartments in Sarjapur RoadGym

  • Indoor GamesIndoor Games

  • Jogging TrackJogging Track

  • Kids Play Area | August GrandKid's Play Area

  • Outdoor Basket Ball CourtBasket Ball Practice Court

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  • 3 bhk flats in sarjapur road
  • luxury flats in sarjapur road
  • Buy Homes in Sarjapur Road

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View Floorplans and Apartments Types

Three Bedroom

Four Bedroom

Four Bedroom

Three Bedroom







Superbuilt Up Area :

246.354 sqm. 2652 sq.ft.

Carpet Area :

157.362 sqm. 1694 sq.ft.



Superbuilt Up Area :

211.520 sqm. 2277 sq.ft.

Carpet Area :

133.860 sqm. 1441 sq.ft.


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phone +91 9241 00 00 55

Chat With Us Today At

phone +91 9241 00 00 55

Imagine a Sunday like....


Sunrise views on the balcony Explore View






Watch movie from nearby cinemas (PVR Cinemas, 7D Voyage)

The Luxury of Faith

At August Grand the entire ground floor is dedicated to this, with a club that hosts a covered pool, party hall, state-ofthe-art gym, indoor games and even a roof top swimming pool. So you get the best, right at home. Breathe easy with the luxury of convenience.

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