Fildena 100 is a prescription pill that is used to treat erectile dysfunction. It is a phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitor. This means it relaxes the blood vessels in the penis and allows for easier erections.
The main ingredient of Fildena is Sildenafil Citrate. Sildenafil is also the active ingredient of branded medicines such as Viagra. These medications are widely used to treat erectile dysfunction.
Fildena 100Mg is available in several strengths. However, the initial dose is usually 50mg. For better results, you should take the medication at least an hour before sexual activity. You can increase the amount to 25mg or even 100mg based on your tolerance.
Fildena is available as tablets, pills, and capsules. You can find them in the market, but it is advised to buy from a pharmacy that guarantees the quality and safety of their products. Several online pharmacies offer guaranteed medications.
While this medication is very effective, it can cause specific side effects. If you experience these, you should consult a doctor immediately. Also, use the pill only for a short period.
As a precautionary measure, you should not give this medication to children and animals. Furthermore, it would help if you never used it with pills that contain nitrates. Nitrates can cause severe interactions with the body.
You should not take more than one pill of Fildena at a time. Taking more than one pill can cause an overdose. In addition, you should not take this medicine with food or alcohol.
Although Fildena is an effective treatment for erectile dysfunction, it cannot be used as a permanent solution. It should be taken only as prescribed.
Some side effects of this pill include fibrosis, angulation, and scarring. Moreover, the medication is not recommended for women and those with pulmonary arterial hypertension.
When taking Fildena, you should always read all the information on the product's label. This is to ensure that you are not intolerant of its effects. It would help if you also inform your doctor of any other medical conditions you have.
Other Info: Fildena 150