Watch this ⚡⚡ video before buWatch this ⚡⚡ video before buying a laptop. Link in the post description. In this video, he has discussed the best gaming laptop. Which is comes with latest I5 10500H based on 6 cores and 12 threads processor under 60000/800$. This is 11% Faster than Ryzen 4600H which is also 6 core 12 thread processor in the same price segment with a better battery life and thermal efficiency. You can buy this laptop for under 50000/670$ in Flipkart and cards offer. The MSI GF63 Thin which is comes with an intel I5 10500H variant. I5 10500h variant has 6 cores 12 threads and it can easily beat Ryzen 4600H. You won't believe it can also beat I7 - 10750 and other variants of I7 processors. Go to my channel to get brief information and review about this laptop. MSI GF63 Thin 10SCXR price is under 60000. You can get this laptop for under 50000 rs on the Flipkart sale. To watch the review of MSI GF63 Thin click on the above linkying a laptop. Link in the post description. In this video, he has discussed the best gaming laptop. Which is comes with latest I5 10500H based on 6 cores and 12 threads processor under 60000/800$. This is 11% Faster than Ryzen 4600H which is also 6 core 12 thread processor in the same price segment with a better battery life and thermal efficiency. You can buy this laptop for under 50000/670$ in Flipkart and cards offer. The MSI GF63 Thin which is comes with an intel I5 10500H variant. I5 10500h variant has 6 cores 12 threads and it can easily beat Ryzen 4600H. You won't believe it can also beat I7 - 10750 and other variants of I7 processors. Go to my channel to get brief information and review about this laptop. MSI GF63 Thin 10SCXR price is under 60000. You can get this laptop for under 50000 rs on the Flipkart sale. To watch the review of MSI GF63 Thin click on the above link