Cataloghi case modulari in legno A-FOLD
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Cataloghi case modulari in legno A-FOLD

Sfoglia il nostro catalogo A-FOLD online e osserva da vicinoi nostri modelli A e T grazie all'innovativo Virtual Tour a 360°. AffordablePrefabricated Houses


Today is an incredible day for us. We have been decided toexpand on top of the line resort in the Mizhrichynskyi Regional Landscpe, anentirely important territory overall known because of the its uncommon plantsand exceptional creature species. The undertaking comprise of 12 model A to beconveyed beginning from May 2020. We are pleased to participate in aparticularly reasonable undertaking intended to serve an eco-accommodatingthought of the travel industry..

Environment KIC AWARD

A-FOLD Norway has been granted the Climate-KIC GreenhouseAccelerator Scholarship, which is offered uniquely to the most imaginative andpractical organizations in Norway.

The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)contended for the honor with A-FOLD carrying advancement to the housing market.prefabricatedhouses

Based on the tremendous PowerPier, the A-FOLD's disregardthe sea through the Characteristic glass veneer, and hence offer a propertyadjusted for future.

The PowerPier idea is a dream where all future developmentwill have a positive impression in the public arena. Because of sun based boardrooftops, wave energy ingestion, wind turbines, and hydrogen energy stockpilingframework, the development PowerPier will create and store as much energy as alittle force plant, just by retaining the capability of its environmentalfactors.

Wonderful equilibrium, without settling on expectation foreveryday comforts and maintainability!

Planned by Leon Kolflaath in light of adaptability andvariation, the PowerPier idea will be a possibility for the developing seawardindustry or associated with land as a zero impression choice for recoveringarea, yet additionally as a need in regions where rising water levels requestanother method of building homes!

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