Organizing A Workforce To Meet The Company's Strategic Needs Is Called Workforce Transformation
Workforce Transformation

When real estate, technology, and human behaviours are combined to create enjoyable, adaptable, collaborative spaces that support creativity and accommodate a range of working styles, workplace transformation occurs. It takes a new way of thinking to embrace Workplace Transformation in its entirety. It necessitates letting go of long-held notions that work is something we do in a specific location and adopting the idea of work as something we do from anyplace.

Line of sight staff supervision was a design goal when creating traditional office layouts. This is due to the fact that managers were instructed to assume that if they couldn't see their staff, they weren't working. However, 90% of workers believe their supervisors trust them to find work wherever, according to a recent Work Life Fit research. So why are offices still designed so that supervisors can see their employees? Instead, for success to be measured, leadership should concentrate on employee objectives. Workplace Transformation change will force managers to pay attention to employee outcomes that are directly related to company goals and will take sight out of the equation.


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