The most widely utilised chemical compounds that contain iron (Fe) and oxides are iron catalysts, pigments, ores, and other forms of Iron Oxide. Natural and artificial resources can both be used to produce iron oxides. The main sources of natural iron oxide are the minerals hematite (Fe2O3), a red iron oxide, and magnetite (Fe3O4), a black iron oxide. Synthetic iron oxide is produced chemically using processes like the precipitation of iron salts as a result of oxidation, the thermal decomposition of iron salts, and the aniline process.
Many Iron Oxide compounds have been discovered to have medical use. Among the substances widely used to treat anaemia are ferrous gluconate, Fe(C6H11O7)22H2O, and ferric pyrophosphate, Fe4(P2O7)3xH2O. To speed up healing, different ferric salts that function as coagulants are applied to wounds.
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