Cenforce 100
Cenforce contains sildenafil citrate which is thegeneric compound for Cenforce is used to heal erectile dysfunction.Cenforce 150 is a PDE5 inhibitor that completely destroys cGMP (a PDE5 classenzyme) that ensures the erection or re-erection of the penis by controllingthe levels of blood flowing into the blood vessels in the penis. Thedestruction of the cGMP lasts only till the effect of the medicine lasts whichis about 3-4 hours. This means that with the help of stimulus or in simplerterms when you feel aroused within these hours your penis will erectwhatsoever.
Cenforce must be taken in doses of only one per day nomatter what strength you are consuming unless you are instructed by your doctordifferently. Even for doctors, it is a standard protocol to only begin withprescribing Cenforce 50 and to never prescribe Cenforce 100 or Cenforce 200 inthe first cycle unless blood reports suggest otherwise. There may be timesafter taking the first dose of Cenforce 50 that you may not experience anerection. In that case, you may move on to Cenforce FM 100 as per need.
Medical authorities have set Cenforce Soft as ameasurement where standard protocol begins, and hence any doctor violating thatmust have a testifiable reason for doing so as these codes are in place toensure patient safety. Certified doctors must keep a close check with patientsthat are even prescribed Cenforce 50 if whether or not they are having any sideeffects. In that case, they might have to be shifted to the lowest doseCenforce 25.
CenforceDoses :-
Cenforceare contain various measurements of doses of Sildenafil 25 mg, 50 mg, 150 mg,100 mg, and 200 mg respectively used for the treatment of erectile dysfunction.
Sildenafil Citrate will mostly give you at least onesymptom of normal side effects. The above-mentioned are in adverse conditionsand it is recommended to immediately call for an ambulance or a nearby hospitalthat could send an ambulance. Sildenafil citrate is a drug that is also usedfor treating pulmonary hypertension. Pulmonary hypertension is a condition ofthe heart which has many types one of which affects arteries running throughyour lungs and the right chambers of your heart.