Aspadol 100 (Tapentadol),is an analgesic that can be employed to treat severe to moderate pain. It helpsreduce pain by signaling the brain to react to the Pain.
Thetablets are orange and are available in 10 strips. Aspadol 100 mg Tablet is partof the Opioid therapeutic class of Analgesics. Tapentadol 100 mg is the mainingredient of this medication.
Tapentadol uses:
Themedication is prescribed to treat severe to moderate acute pain. The body'sreaction to pain.
Tapentadol: What it is that works?
Tapentadol reduces thesensation of pain and alters how the body reacts to it.
Instructions for the use of Tapentadol
Itcan be taken in a mouthful with or without food. The dosage recommended is 50mg,75mg, or 100mg every 4 to 6 hours dependent on the severity of the pain.
Common adverse
Feelingdizzy. If you are lying or sitting and slowly rising for a short time. Don'tclimb. You might be tired, lightheaded blurred vision, or experience difficultyin thinking clearly. Avoid driving or doing other activities which require youto be awake and have clear vision until you understand how the medication canaffect your eyesight.
Headache.Itching. The stomach may be bloated or itchy. A good oral hygiene routineeating small meals, chewing sugar-free gum, as well as sucking hard candy canall aid. Constipation is a problem that causes hard stool. Try taking morefluids, working out, and adding more fiber to your diet. Laxatives and stoolsofteners can be recommended by your physician.
Dose Missed Dose
Whenyou can remember to take your missed dose, take it. You may skip the dose youmissed if it falls close to the time of the next dose. Don't take more than onedose at one time.
Warnings and Precautions
Tapentadolor other components of this medication could trigger an allergic reaction. Ifyou are allergic to any medication, inform your physician.
Informyour doctor of the symptoms of your allergy as well as any allergic reactionsyou have experienced. It is important to mention the rash, itching, hives andbreathlessness wheezing, cough swelling of the lips, face the tongue, throat,and face, and any other signs. If you have a serious lung condition or aslow-moving digestive (gastrointestinal) tract. You've taken isocarboxazid andphenelzine within the last 14 days. Monoamine oxide inhibitors (egisocarboxazid, phenelzine, and tranylcypromine) should be stopped for a minimumof 14 days before when the medication can be taken. The high blood pressurecould be caused by both.
When is the best time to seekmedical attention?
Contactyour poison control center immediately if you think you've taken too excessive.These are indicators of a dangerous reaction to the medication. Chesttightness, wheezing, the sensation of itching, fever, severe cough, gray orblue skin color, seizures, and swelling of the lips, face and the throat, ortongue. Extremely severe dizziness or even passing out. Trouble breathing.Ability to think clearly and using the use logic.
Amajor shift in balance. Sweating, agitation, and twitching, and stiffness inmuscles are all indications of imbalance. Poor management of pain. Seizures.The stomach can be upset or irritable. Constipation (very hard stool) I feeltired and weak. A rash on your skin. It's worse, or the reaction isn'timproving.
Interactions with othermedications
Certaindrugs are dangerous when combined with certain food items. The risk of adverseside effects could arise when you combine them. Consult your physician aboutthe medications you take.
Foodrestrictions on food
Bewareof drinking alcohol
Tapentadol StorageInstructions
Keepmedications out of the children's reach in an area that is cool and dry. It isnot recommended to use any medicine beyond the expiration date.
Pregnancy Category
CategoryC: Research on reproduction in animals has revealed that the drug may beharmful to the embryo. But, no study is well-controlled in human beings.Potential benefits of this drug could justify its use among pregnant women,despite the possible dangers.