Trademark Filing in the Philippines | Brealant
After we have conducted your FREE preliminary trademark search, you decide if you wish to proceed with trademark registration. Check our trademark pricing to see which option best fits you. Unlike any other registration companies, our pricing includes all government fees and taxes.

Trademark Filing in the Philippines | Brealant

The leading Trademark Registration Company in the Philippines​​. Brealant Inc. is a well known Legal Process Outsourcing company, headquartered in Hong Kong. Our services are Patent registration, Trademark Registration, Trademark search, application and Outsourcing services to the Philippines and international clients worldwide.

Our services include:

Philippines Trademark Registration, Intellectual Property firm, Trademark Registration Service, IP online registration


Philippines Trademark Registration, Trademark Registration Service, Trademark Registration firm, Trademark Registration Philippines, Trademark application, trademark law philippines, trademark search philippines, trademark philippines, registered trademarks, what is a trademark

Trademark Registration Service

Trademark Registration Service

According to the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), a trademark is protected simply by being used (provided it does not infringe on the trademark of another party). However, there are various benefits to trademark registration.

The following are our ten reasons for doing so: 

Trademark Search: Before registering a trademark, your attorney will do a thorough trademark search. While you can do it on your own, it’s usually a lot more work than people think.

Printing Costs: If you don’t register and subsequently discover that another firm has the same or a very similar name as you, you’ll have to replace all of your business cards, stationery, advertising, and signage. If you already have a domain name registered, you will need to update it as well. read more

Register your Trademark | Brealant

Register your Trademark | Brealant

You’ll most likely have certain logos or designs that are unique to your company and/or items once you’ve decided how you’ll promote your goods or services to the public. These symbols are used to distinguish your business and help you stand out from the crowd. If another company utilizes the same (or almost identical) designs for its items, it risks confusing customers and diluting your brand. That is why trademark protection is so crucial.